7 years of fun.

So guess what?

My blogaversary came and went a couple days ago.

November 6, 2007

Wow, 7 years, already?

7    y  e  a  r    f  l  a  s  h  b  a  c  k

I posted this card on November 11, 2007.

Something’s don’t change much, eh?  <– coffee

…and something’s do   <– I hope you agree that my photography has gotten better!

So, truthfully, I do have some goodies to throw out there but I have a small window of photog opportunity and totally missed it yesterday {because, why would I have taken the pic over the weekend?  ::shaking my head::)

♡I promise you, it’s good♡

edited to add photos:

Jubilee goodies

Kraft & Gold Goodies

I challenge you: 

  • Link up a project from your first year of blogging  

So, I linked up mine from November 11, 2007…

  • In the comments section, tell me what has changed and something that hasn’t.

Have fun!

Commenting will be open until Tuesday, November 18, 2014
I’ll draw for 2 random winners!

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63 thoughts on “7 years of fun.”

  1. That's the first thing I said, "of course coffee" he he. Fun to see your first blog card. Fun challenge Amy and great idea. My first post was May 2, 2009. What hasn't changed is white space, loved it then love it now. What has is I angle my cards in my photos and include more photos in my posts. Fun Amy. You always inspire me. Hugs.

  2. Happy Blogversary Amy! Seven years that is amazing and your stuff just keeps getting better and better.

  3. yay seven years! i'll have to look through old entries to see how you've grown but I love your recent work! you can only get better 🙂 I started crafting 4 months ago so…it's still my first year 😀

  4. Congratulations on 7 years of blogging, Amy! That's quite a feat. I'll try to come back later and link something up. 🙂

  5. Looks like I started right before you!! LOL!! I started 9/24/07!! Happy Blogiversary!!!! Mine has changed a TON!!! I used to only share family photos for the family members that live in different states than us — and I NEVER shared my creations! LOL!!! Boy how things have changed!! HA!! 🙂

  6. My cards are no longer flat… while I still love stamping, the addition of die cuts, layers, embossing and ribbon have definitely transformed my cards. Yes, there's still a coffee theme going and I have that SU set in your card… do you still have it? Happy blog birthday.

  7. WOWzers, amy… 7 years? I am truly a pup! Since this IS my very first year of blogging, not much has changed, except my heart… it is so much fuller knowing you!
    =] Michele

  8. Happy 7 years of blogging! I started my 7th year in July! what has changed is my creativity..color balance…stamping skills! I still love my Big shot and all the wonderful dies! Location has changed as well, Colorado to Texas, quite a drastic change. Life is always changing and learning to master that is always a surprise! Have a wonderful Tuesday and thanks for all the fun you create each week!

  9. wow. 2005 is when my first year was.. and a TON has changed.. iw ould agree the photography of my projects and the amount of photos i publish- its just SOOOO much easier now with technology… I am using the same SLR but the rest has all changed…

    something that hasn't changed- the variety of my projects.. i linked you to the month of september.. 2 layouts and an altered paint can. if you go back a month I created a wooden chest! I'm always all over the place with the kinds of projects I do 🙂
    thanks for encouraging us to look amy 🙂 and happy blog-versary!

  10. My photography has definitely improved. LOL! I see that I still favor using embellishments and layering on my pages. 🙂

  11. Happy 7 years, Amy!!! Lovin' your flashback card…so many memories when you look back. 😉 I like to think I'm photos have improved by far (do you see the card I uploaded?!) Really, what hasn't changed much for me in my CAS style. Though, I think it took a minute to find my groove in it. 😉

  12. Happy Anniversary! I started in Nov 2007 when it was just starting to become a 'thing'. My biggest change(s) was to stop using so much sun to light my pics and changing from type pad to blogger

  13. Congrats on seven years! What has changed is I used to use circut die cuts and stickers before I found stamps and dies. What hasn't changed, um I still suck at taking pictures… 🙂

  14. Mine is January 2010 for my first post – however, I think I may have lost a year… Does your blogger go back 7 years? Hmmm…. I don't really see a change in my cards! Maybe more white space now.

  15. Wow, 7 years! You the PRO blogger! Happy blogaversary, Amy! What a fun way to celebrate this milestone. My card-making definitely got MUCH better, so that's a change. My love of food and travel are about the same…I still share lots!

  16. Happy Blogaversary! I had to dig through my archives and my first "official" card has ink distressing on it, which I still love to do today. I also go a long way back with the stamp company on my card–Hero Arts! So thankful that I've come to know you and for all the pretty mail I've received!

  17. Happy 7th Blogiversary!! And what a fun, fun idea too! Same: I still love using flowers and butterflies on my cards and enjoy making clean and layered cards. Different: MUCH better photography skills and I'm using DP now. Thanks for the chance to win and cheers to seven more years of blogging 🙂

  18. Happy blogaversary!! 7 years, that's amazing! I must say I chuckled when I saw your card was coffee-themed! Coffee is truly timeless! Since this is my first year blogging (and cardmaking for that matter), I decided to link up my first card post 🙂

  19. Happy Blogversary!! It's been about 7 or 8 for me and I meant to celebrate it but life got in the way….It sure goes fast! Your coffee cracks me up!

  20. congrats on your blogversary!!!! YAY!!!! Looking back at some of my first posts, I was kinda laughing but realized how far I've come. better photography of projects, my cards were horrible!!!! in the beginning and I have more of a style on my layouts.. thanks for making me look back and see where I've come from 🙂

  21. Lucky 7, eh? Gluckwuensch! I hooked up a post with two cards. One with tricky cutting and one with a homemade rolled fabric flower (haven't done either since!) But I still love birds and branches and Technique Tuesday sentiments 🙂

  22. Congratulations Amy on your blogaversary! I started blogging just a few months after you did. I created my first post and then didn't post anything for four months. Back then I didn't have any clue what blogging was really all about. It is funny to look back at those old projects. Lots of things have changed. I don't use ribbon nearly as much as I did back then…now I put linen thread on about everything I create. I almost never distressed my projects then, but now almost everything gets a little distressing. Some things that haven't changed are my use of dies…I loved them then and I love them now…only now there are a LOT more to choose from!

  23. Congrats! My blog turns 7 this month too! 🙂 I linked up. I think my photography has changed a bit. And my content has changed a lot.

  24. How fun is THIS?! I love it! Mine is from 2008. What's changed? Well, it's a layout. I can't say you see a lot of those around my blog anymore. LOL! What hasn't? That particular layout is very much a CAS style… which I still love to this day!

  25. Happy #7 to you!! I think something that has changed for me is my photography. I have gotten a light box and I think my photographs are a bit better. Something that hasn't changed? Coloring in images. It relaxes me to just sit and color something!!

  26. Happy 7th Bloggerversary!
    My blog is >6 year and I changed the layout. As for my cards, I think my colouring may be better, and I started to attempt other craft projects other than cards.

  27. Wow, Amy, congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I started back on New Year's Day of 2011, and while I still love many of the same stamps and stamp companies, my card style has evolved into more of a clean-and-simple style versus lots of embellishments and layers. I love your coffee card…how appropriate!

  28. What a fun idea Amy – I started blogging in 2008 and linked up a post I did on 11/11/08 – it's a little coaster book I made for my God Child, Eden's, 3rd b'day – this week she is turning 9 – my how time flies – I still make little photo books – but don't usually use coasters anymore or foam flowers!

  29. Congrats Amy!!!
    I started April of 2009, so I went through until I found a coffee card. ha! It's actually a notebook- so that's different because I can't remember the last time I made one of those! Something the same- I still craft/photograph far too late at night- at least I have a light tent now!
    I still have the coffee stamp that I used somewhere too!
    Looking through my old posts I noticed that I used to play in a lot more challenges. I miss that! I also miss being able to visit lots of blogs- I honestly don't know how you do it! You're amazing & inspiring always!!!

  30. I think it'll take a while for me to discover my style. I have a hard time doing CAS cards. I like lots of color or cards with very little white space. I know that initially my cards looked like color/flower explosions lol but now I've tried to focus more on design and techniques. 🙂 I'll see if I can find pics of my first cards!

  31. Wow, 7 years! Isn't it amazing how quickly the time goes? Congrats to you! Looking forward to the next 7 years!! 🙂

  32. Congrats Amy! That stamp set was demonstrated at the very first SU demo I went to. I still have the card I made! I just loved it! I only started blogging late last year, so the attached card is from the very first challenge I entered online. I still enjoy a CAS style. I am hoping that my creativity has expanded, however! Thanks for the fun!

  33. Congrats, Amy! That is a milestone for sure! Something that has changed for me is my photography skills…I think I have improved (although I have a LONG way to go) and I think I am still anxious about my projects…I tend to over think them and wish they could be better. KWIM? It was fun to link up an old post…

  34. WOW! Happy 7 years! Surely they are fun-filed years for you! I am so thankful to stumble on your blog a year ago!

    My first card was my oldest daughter's birthday invitation in 2011. Back then I did not have any die cut machine, only scissors and craft knives 😀 I hand-cut the frame and cut the edges with scallop scissors. I used lots of pre-cut flowers and embellishments too.

    What changed? Right now I love using cardmaking kit and scrapbooking kit from CTMH, Silhouette Cameo and WRMK Evolution Advanced die cutting. I am learning to step out of my comfort box to explore more by learning from you and other card makers.

    THANKS a lot!!!!

  35. Very cool idea and what a fun way to reminisce. It's not really all that fair for me because I just started blogging two months ago ;).
    Things that have changed: I use a watermark now and I have so many more friends to share things with. The encouragement and support from blog land has been amazing!!
    Things that haven't? Well, I still love painting with Perfect Pearls.

  36. I love this idea!! I started blogging in March of '07, and as I looked back, i posted pictures so small you could barely see them!! 🙂 My photography has gotten much better, as well as the overall look/feel of my blog. My love of stamping and creating is the thing that hasn't changed! Thanks for doing this–so much fun!

  37. Happy Blogaversary!!! And yikes! looking back at my first year I'm like, "woah, I posted that?!" hehehe! There are lots of things different, but I will say that my photography has changed a great deal, thank goodness! Something that remains the same is that I still don't add too many layers and tend to keep my crafting simple. Thanks so much for the walk down memory lane! This was fun!

  38. LOVING the BlogAVersary!! CONGRATS on 7 Years!! THANKS for sharing, its FUN to look back and remember and see how much you (we)GROW and CHANGE as Designers over the Years!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  39. It's been five years of blogging for me. My cards are still pretty CAS – but this biggest change is how many people I have "met" in this online stamping world – amazing!

  40. Happy Blogaversary! And me too I thought HEY, COFFEE! lol 🙂 I've been blogging since 2010, and I know my photography has improved since back then I was using a scanner…I've stretched styles & gotten (I humbly think) more creative with supplies. As for what hasn't changed? Still a goofball! Still love quilling – I think that was my first post, actually 🙂

  41. What a fun way to celebrate your blogaversary….congrats on 7 years. I have only been blogging half that time. Something that has changed for me….I now own stamps and ink (lots of stamps and ink…lol!) and no longer have to generate my sentiments on the computer. What hasn't changed? My love for polka dots and dash lines on my cards.

  42. Happy blogaversary!! I linked up one of my first posts on blog in 2009. It was the first pages for my wedding album (2008). What's the same? I still do mostly one page photo pages. What's different? Oh my! More embellishments, photo matting, more coordinated papers lol!! Thanks for the blast from the past!

  43. Wow congratulations on completing 7 years… I will be completing two in January… time flies with this crafting craze 🙂 I am heading off to link up my stupid creations from the first year 😀

  44. I posted a card from pre-blogging days since I haven't been blogging for long. Talk about dusting off oldies! I still love nature in my cards. I've gotten less frou frou in general but there's still a secret frou frou place in my heart!

  45. Yikes, looking back makes me cringe a little sometimes. Not that all my projects were bad, but man, the photography and presentation left a lot to be desired! What's the same? I still love it and I'm still a technique geek.

  46. Too funny that it's a coffee card. 🙂 Congrats on seven years. That's awesome!

    I think my cards have evolved from only one company to lots and also lots of white space! I also take way better pictures. lol

  47. Happy 7th Anniversary!! I didn't even know that blogs were around 7 years ago, so I'm extremely impressed! You must have seen so many changes over that time, not only with your own crafts but with products and trends. I've linked the very first card I put on my blog a year ago. Its not hideous but I don't do cards like that anymore. My photos are alot better and I've learned so many new techniques. And most importantly have made many new friends!! My lack of confidence is one thing that hasn't changed but that will come with time, I hope. Yay for you and thank you so much for the chance to win. I've been eyeing up that Delicata Gold Ink for months, so I've crossed all my fingers and toes!!!! And I'm loving looking at the other linked entries too.

  48. Woohoo! Congrats on 7 years! When you put this out I was surprised to find that my own blog dated back to 2008?! When I first started blogging I used some stamps but I wasn't very technique oriented. I also did a lot more scrapbooking. However then and now I love owls and they pop up on my blog frequently.

  49. My 7 years passed this summer … looking back, my pictures were much darker and tinier … and I was scared of techniques … now I embrace all techniques and do much more *paper crafting* than stamping some weeks … and my pictures are bigger and brighter. Love ya.

  50. Happy 7 Years Blog-versary! Your first card is fabulous and each one, even more so! I'm way, way, way too embarrassed to link up my first card (I should delete some of those posts!), so I'll just enjoy the showcases others have shared!

  51. Congratulations Amy! 7yrs is a lot of time! Wishing you more years of blissful blogging and crafting! Thanks for all the inspiration! I completed my second year of blogging almost 6 months ago and what hasn't changed is my style over the past couple of years. My cards, if I look back at them seem horrible but I think I got lot better now! 🙂 My love for CAS hasn't changed one bit though I occasionally keep trying other styles as well! 🙂

  52. Yay! Congrats on 7 years of blogging! And you still love everything coffee ;o) Great idea to share our early projects.
    I linked up my very first card (for my mom's birthday) that I posted on my blog in 2011. Back then I was a passionate cute stamper and loved to color with Copics! I still do, but I think my cards have changed very much! And my photos are much brighter ;o)

    Hugs, Anja

  53. Ohno, I typed a paragraph then I lost it…I'll try to remember what I wrote hehe. Happy anniversary, Amy :)! When I first started blogging, I would insert really small photos and I didn't really know how to watermark. One thing that hasn't changed is that I like cute stuff :)! I can't believe I've been blogging for over 5 years :)! Glad to have "known" you for much of those years :)! *hugs* and much aloha, Steph 🙂

  54. Happy 7th year blogging anniversary Amy! I wish I could link one of my first projects but I don't blog. I'm not a prolific enough crafter and don't keep track of my supplies well enough to do that but I do like looking through everyone else's!

  55. Congrats on the milestone. I have been blogging since 2011 and only have 389 posts. At the start I left unattended for months at a time. My first blogging project was a card that I still like.

  56. Hello girl! Alot of things have changed.. I no longer focus on mini albums..well except soon I will gather my December Daily items…I just cant get the Project life to "stick" so once a year I do the 25 days leading up to Christmas…in the December Daily Mini Album I make. Other than that I no longer focus on layouts or albums… I began cards and card challenges for inspiration, and now I am hooked. I have slowed down in the last few months really trying to be super inspired and focus more on being creative with it..I LOVE that I have met so many awesome people, especially you Miss AMY T! That have been so supportive. It is great to have peeps "know" what I am so passionate about and "get" it…Really "get" it! Just yesterday I was showing my sister and she went glaze eyed..I knew I lost her!! LOL… Thanks to the community and Congrats on your 7 years! Hoooorah!!

  57. Blog Link # 53… Congrats on your 7 years of blogdom !! It has been only 6 months for me but I am loving every second and have been inspired by so many great blogs, including yours… What has changed for me is that now I am a member of the awesome Design Team of Mountain Plains Crafters and they challenge me and assist me to think outside the box !! What has stayed the same is my love of creating, cards especially but adding more DIY projects and mixed-media techniques….Entering my Craft Room is like Christmas everyday !! That has never changed …. I hope you enjoy reading my blog entry about the time my Dream ( Team ) came true !!

  58. I got such a chuckle that your very first card was a coffee card! Whenever I see something cute that's coffee related, I always think of you, as in, oh, that would be perfect for Amy! Wow, 7 years. That's a lot of blog posts. Congrats. A wonderful milestone. I didn't screencap how my blog originally looked but it was a basic blogger template. I'd say the biggest change is the overall look of the blog: both the blog itself and the photography of projects. What hasn't changed: I still look forward to comments from my bloggy friends. 🙂

  59. Happy blogaversary Amy! So fun! Too cool that your first card was a coffee card. Mine card featured a trio of my favorite colors and grosgrain ribbon…every 70s girls favorites. I love my grosgrain ribbon :). Of course, my photography has gotten a ton better and 5.5 years later I still wish it was better! Thanks for a super fun blog hop!

  60. It's always fun looking back. Congrats to you! I linked up my very first post. I started my blog so I could play the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge every week. Yes .. photography is much better now! LOL!!!

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