Welcome to the #PaperCraftersUniteAgainstRacism Instagram hop!
I’m honored to be a part of the PCUAR Hop. The event starts HERE. The goal of this hop is to continue to raise awareness about anti-racism; to stand with the BIPOC, AAPI, Indigenous , Palestine (and other oppressed minority) communities, and to keep encouraging everyone to start the necessary conversations. We are all one humanity and should find a way to #showup for equity and equality, in a way that makes sense for YOU. Silence, Inaction, and Passivity are detrimental to justice. Injustice anywhere is Injustice EVERYWHERE!
You should have arrived from @bobbiesue.two38creations Bobbie Sue’s. If not, you should start at the beginning which is Amber’s.
We’re only into the month of February and there have been so many hate crime victims in 2023. I wanted to feature this quote by Nelson Mandela:
“No one is born hating
another person because
of the color of his skin,
or his background, or
his religion. People
must learn to hate,
and if they can learn to
hate, they can be taught
to love, for love comes
more naturally to the
human heart than
its opposite.”
– Nelson Mandela
As a second generation Japanese [nisei] I worry about my Mom, kids and family. It is overwhelming to think of what needs to be done. Did you hop through the amazing projects from yesterday’s PCUAR hop? It is WORTH every minute. I loved reading how people are really talking to and educating their young children.
Talking, sharing, listening…

My babies are 25 + 27 and are always teaching me things. We continue to have conversations of racial injustice among other things. Since COVID hit, my family [my mom, 2 older brothers and a sister-in-law] gather every Sunday for a chat on Zoom. While we talk a lot about food, we talk about current events, statistics, facts and sources [one brother has a degree in math and the other is a scientist].

My project features a quote by Nelson Mandela. I added the following:
Sakura means cherry blossom, the national flower of Japan. In American culture, the cherry blossom symbolizes hope.
Here’s today’s hop listing:
- @ambercrafting
- @bobbiesue.two38creations
- @craftee1 <– me
- @craftyheartrn
- @crazee4stamps
- @jafa_stamp_cafe
- @justanotebyjustin
- @kellysantidesigns
- @lulumakes77
- @missmissamakes
- @paperfectdublin
- @papergemsbyjules
- @pocketful_of_rosie
- @samiamcards
- @alisonheikkila

2 thoughts on “Paper Crafters Unite Against Racism HOP”
This is a strong, beautiful and truly important card, Amy. It’s lovely and says SO much. Being (and becoming/ growing) more aware about equality and acceptance is a journey for all of us. I’ve learned much from my kids as well. I strive to be the loving, accepting person God expects me to be and to truly “love one another as He loves us”. It’s sad to say, but even Christians have become targets of discrimination and hatred. It’s just so sad. We all have our differences for sure, but we have FAR MORE in common than we have different. Thanks for being a part of this vital endeavor to spread love and acceptance to every person. God created and loves us all. Why can’t we learn to do the same? Thanks again for sharing.
Beautiful card, beautiful hop Amy! My mom (1/2 Japanese) would love this, I’m sure! Yes, it’s so important to be made aware of racial injustice. Thank you for honoring the struggle/breakthrough with a lovely creation~
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