New York | Newton’s Nook Designs

If you’ve been following me on FB or IG, you’ll have read that I spent a bit of time in NYC.  We celebrated my boy’s college graduation!  My trip inspired my project today.  
I’m featuring the Newton’s Nook Designs –  Newton Dreams of New York.  The (retired) Basic Grey Hey Boy collection is perfect for the New York theme.  
I averaged 20k on most days.  A ton of walking and it’s my first trip that I solo’d a subway ride…from Brooklyn to Manhattan (patting myself on the back).  If you didn’t know, I’m horribly directional impaired and I live in Washington state.  For me to commute from my house to work in the morning it would take 87 minutes to travel 26 miles, our transit system is not so good.  We commute to work together so we have the HOV lanes.

The sentiment has been stamped onto an upcycled coffee sleeve.  Surprisingly, during my last NYC trip I only had coffee at the airport waiting for our trip back AND they only had decaf (gasp).  I was on a big iced black tea kick during this trip.

I was inspired by the Inky Paws Challenge:

Here’s one of the Grad Photos:
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10 thoughts on “New York | Newton’s Nook Designs”

  1. So happy and excited for your boy!!! That is AWESOME!!!! I love love love the card too!!!! LOVING the kitty shirt and that sentiment!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh my goodnes Amy – he GRADUATED already?!! I remember when he had just gone out to start!! Time sure flys – congrats proud mamma!! and to the boy! What a fun NY theme card to mark the occasion!xx

  3. What a wonderful compilation of papers and stamps! Just fabulous! Thanks for sharing with us at Inky Paws!

  4. First Happy Dance to your son – what wonderful news – love the card creation with Newton Nooks stamps – and that paper – I think I have some Hey Girl stuff– sure like the Hey Boy – TFS – Wishing your son a fabulous job and prosperity! Enjoy

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