My Favorite Things: Let’s Celebrate You!

Happy Weekend!  I have a card that has a bunch of new goodies, I finally broke into the My Favorite Things Doodled Blooms (Sold Out) Card Kit.

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve embossed so much on one project.  I love all the added texture…do you spy the Lined Up Dots Background?  The ‘vase’ is from MFT Die-namics LLD Cool Cup.

The inks are from the new Distress Oxides:  

The cup has Broken China that has been applied with a Ranger Mini Ink Blending Tool.  Using a soaked paintbrush, I flicked water droplets on the cup/vase.  The blooms have been heat embossed in Hero Arts White.  I smooshed the Worn Lipstick and Spiced Marmalade on an acrylic block and used a wet paintbrush. 

 I was inspired by the MFT Sketch Challenge:

My colors were inspired by The Card Concept:

I tried to capture the baby’s breath by using the Lined Up Dots background.  Rather than use a mason jar as the vase, I used the Cup from Cool Cup.

Next week we’re celebrating one of my best friends birthday’s, this card was made especially for her.  I’m so grateful for her, she’s been fighting cancer the last 2 years and is in hospice care.  We’ve been friends since the kids were almost babies.  We visit with her almost weekly and laugh….a lot…definitely a highlight of my week💚
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15 thoughts on “My Favorite Things: Let’s Celebrate You!”

  1. Wonderful cheery card for your friend. I'm sure she apreciated your visits too. So sorry to hear this is happening to her 😟

  2. This is beautiful! LOVING the colors!! And sending love and prayers to your friend!!!!!!!

  3. LOVE your Doodled Blooms and the "vase" is so pretty! I'm sure your friend will treasure this card.

  4. Such a lovely card, Amy! The use of the cup for a case is so clever. Like you, I've been playing with my Distress inks (after a very long stamping hiatus) and loving the effect that it adds to projects. My best wishes and prayers to your friend. Your visits bring her endless cheer, I'm sure.

  5. Don't think for a second that I'm not seeing all of these gorgeous creations, amy… could not resist telling you what an extraordinary friend you are … this is just the most perfect card for your friend… xx

  6. Beautiful card Amy…love those sweet flowers! Thank you so much for playing along with us at The Card Concept.

  7. My gosh!! I love your flowers and the way you have coloured them A fabulous take on the challenge. Thank you so much for joining us at The Card Concept.

  8. I just love your happy, spring inspired card! Thank you you for playing along with The Card Concept Challenge!

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