i {heart} papers guest designer: thank you

Hello and Happy Sunday Friday!

If you’ve been following me this month you might remember that I’m guest designing for i {heart} papers.  I was going to make Sunday’s my posting day but unfortunately, there is a bit of news about i {heart} papers:
PLEASE read the deets about it HERE.  

I’ve been actively blogging for over 7 years.  This community has seen so many changes over the last couple years but specifically in more recent times.  You’ll really want to read the story behind the decision, it’s a great journey that Kate is pursuing and Kudos to her for making the change.  I want to thank Kate for having me a Guest Designer this month.  I’ll continue to post i {heart} papers projects through the end of this month.

With that, I’m sharing what I had scheduled for Sunday and bumping up the posting date to day:

chalkboard + floral = yes, please!

paper:  fancy pants design/burlap & bouquets  stamps:  avery elle/winter wreath  ink:  stampin’ up white embossing  other:  american crafts chalk label, canvas corp clothes pin
I used


I was inspired by

So a bit more deets on my card…

The other day, my momma fell backwards while climbing down her little ladder.  GAH!  I’ll give you the readers digest version and let you know that she’s mostly fine, she does have a concussion but I’m so thankful that it didn’t turn out much worse.  She turns 75 next month. 

I made this card especially for my momma’s neighbor who took her to the emergency room.

This photo was taken by the University of Washington last Mother’s Day:

This is a wake up call for a lot of stuff…those that know me know that I love my Momma.  She’s been a wonderful role model for me.  She raised us (I have 2 older brothers) as a single Mother.  Prior to my Mom & Dad separating and eventually divorcing, my Mom never worked outside the home while they were married.  I can’t begin to imagine how difficult it was for her to get started in the work force with english as her second language and no work experience.  She did it though and we always had a roof over our heads and food on the table.   

Basically, she’s a rock star.

Things are going to shift a bit for me in 2015.  I’ll focus on Design Team projects but probably step back from participating in various challenges.  Let’s face it, the Design Team homework will keep me as active as a ‘normal blogger’…I tend to create a ton of projects on a weekly basis so my goal is to not post on a daily basis because I’ll be dedicating a couple days a week for family time.  It’ll be a much more healthier schedule for me♡

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40 thoughts on “i {heart} papers guest designer: thank you”

  1. So glad that your mom is okay and she is amazingly strong. Way to go mom…she is definitely a rock star. So sorry to hear about IHP, but her dream sounds amazing! Love your card Army.

  2. So glad your Mama is ok!! Sending her hugs!!! I love love love your card!! Gorgeous!!! And good for you … I am re-thinking a lot on my bloggy too!! 🙂

  3. Love the little card you created with the clothes pin.
    Glad to hear your Momma was not seriously hurt. Kudos to you for making the decision to spend more family time. I always am amazed at how much you do in a week.

  4. awwww – i am SO sorry about i heart papers! but i'm even more sad about your mom! i love the bond you have your with mom – and i'm SOOOO sorry that she had a fall!! but i'm thankful it wasn't as bad as it could have been!! a wake up call is a good thing!! you're so active with DT stuff, we'll see all the time, i just know it!! sending love and hugs!! (side note – your card ROCKS – chalkboard and floral is the BOMB!!!)

  5. What a very sweet card for a special person that helped care for your momma in her time of need. I too went through a big health scare with my mom this year. It really helps put things into perspective, doesn't it?

  6. Sending you and your momma lots and lots of good thoughts and bloggy love. As someone who totally adores her mother, I completely get your reasoning for taking some time with family! I think it's amazing when people pursue things they are passionate about, whether it be cardmaking, family time, or dog training. Do what is right for YOU!

    On another note, Your card is sweet and adorable. That floral print paired with the chalkboard is and adorable move.

  7. Oh, Amy! I am so, so sorry to hear about your mom's fall! I'm glad it was only a concussion, but that is still a really scary thing. I'm glad you are taking a step back from your blog and spending more family time. Good for you for doing what's best for YOU!
    Adorable card, too. Loving the little chalkboard label and the happy floral panel. 🙂

  8. Sorry to hear about what happened to your momma – they are rockstars for sure!! Enjoy the time with her <3 change is inevitable and often bittersweet but good things come from it, too 🙂 your card's adorable. I LOVE that paper pad!

  9. What a wonderful card for your mom's neighbor. Flowers and chalk… perfect. Sorry to hear about your Mom, but I am glad it's not that serious. Supporting you in your decision… good for you girl! Enjoy your time with your family!

  10. Glad your mom wasn't hurt seriously, awesome neighbor! Understandable outcome, enjoy your family time.

  11. Your card is absolutely gorgeous and I love the inspiration behind it. I am happy to hear your mom is ok and didn't sustain any serious injuries. She sounds like a wonderful and inspirational woman, just like you! ♥

    I think balance in all aspects of life is so important! So enjoy more time with your family, we'll survive 😉

  12. Happy to hear your Mom is okay, Amy. How scary that must have been. She sounds like a remarkable woman! Your card for her neighbor is so beautiful and thoughtful for her kindness.
    PS: Sad news about i {heart} papers, but it sounds like she is pursuing another chapter in her life journey.

  13. Healing wishes for your Momma! If she's as strong as you mentioned, she should be well on her way to a full recovery. Take care… and that card is awesome!

  14. So glad you're Momma is okay! I know first-hand how dangerous a fall can be after my Dad broke his back falling a year ago. Ugh! Such a sweet, little number for her neighbor! I really love those chalkboard bits! And good for you for sticking up for yourself and taking the steps necessary to maintain your sanity. We know you'll continue to inspire us all, even with a step back. Hugs!

  15. cute card. Your momma is ADORABLE. glad she is "ok" or at least recovering from her fall. ((hugs)) that had to been have been scary for you!

  16. Oh, Amy! This card is just absolute perfection. Thanks for playing along with Mojo Monday!

  17. Great card! So sad to hear about I Heart Papers. It sure is getting tougher to make it work in the industry. I'm glad your momma is ok and am happy for you that you will be making more time for your family. It's always a tough call when there is so much that you want to do but you gotta trust your gut.

  18. Your card is beautiful sista!!! How sad for iHeart Papers! I am so glad that your sweet rockstar mom is doing ok…Yes you made the wise decision to spend more time with her…and she is so cute…love her smile…
    Take care hopefully she'll recover as quickly as possible which I have no doubt ..shes strong lady! Big hugs to you Sista xx

  19. Your card is so lovely, I am so glad your mama is okay–what a scare. My mom and dad are 83 and 87 respectively and they need a wee bit more help from me. I am giving big props to you Amy for refocusing for family in 2015! I am doing much the same but still being sick after two weeks my plans are not ironed out yet. You are a good woman, hugs!

  20. Amy, your card is beautiful! And I'm sorry to hear what happened to your Mom. Hope she recovers quickly. Enjoy your family time. I'll look forward to seeing your DT posts. 😉 Hugs

  21. Love your sweet card Amy, and the Chalk label for your sentiment. I am so glad that your mom is okay and I hope she recovers quickly! And I think it's a great idea to step back and take some time for other things. I've been doing that too lately, and it's been great!

  22. Love your card Amy! Sorry to hear about another store closing, but this one is for a good reason. Good for her to pursue her true calling. LOVE the photo of the three of you! So awesome. Enjoy your family time.

  23. I think 2015 is about "us" and treating ourselves healthier, way to set some great goals ! Love that pic and YOU are a rock star too!!! Sad about Iheart, I wish I really paid attention about them earlier… I paid my tribute by picking up several Paper smooches….Have a lovely day!!!!

  24. I thought of you today when I saw Avery Elle's new release. I know the name is Tea Time, but I figure you could easily make if work for coffee. 🙂 Such a pretty card! I am so thankful your {amazing!} mother is okay! How scary. I'm sure all of us will be thrilled to see you post just as often as you can. My heart is always warmed by those who decide to scale back to focus on family.

  25. I'm so glad to hear your mom is ok and I pray for a speedy recovery. Family time is the best, and as a daughter of aging parents as well, I know making memories is so important…especially for the grandkids! As for your card…the combination of floral and chalkboard is perfection!

  26. So glad to hear your mom is ok! Sending wishes and hugs for a speedy recovery!
    Love that picture…..such a beautiful family!
    LOVE your card!!!!

  27. I'm sorry to hear your mom fell hon, I'm so glad she's ok though. I pray she heal quickly. Praise God for your sweet neighbor-your card is beautiful and it will be appreciated. 🙂

  28. What a fright you all must have had, especially your Mum!! So glad she is okay, although I don't know much about concussion. My Mum turns 75 this coming weekend. She has had a rough 18 months with her and Dad having a car accident and then Dad suddenly dying a few months later. She only lives a few minutes from us so we see her everyday and I do as much as I can to help (although she is incredibly stubborn and independent!!). I'm glad your able to change things around so you can spend more time with her and your family, and with all those fabulous DT's your part of now, you will be so busy. Wish I was a bit closer so I could help you out, will just have to send good vibes your way!!!

  29. Whoops, all that talk about Mum's, I forgot to mention how super cute your card is and how sad it is about I Heart Papers. Such a shame when smaller companies have to close. Really do wish them all the best with their next adventures!!

  30. soooo sorry to hear about your mom, hope she recovers quickly and is ok… LOVE LOVE your cute card!!! adorable!! sooo sorry they are closing 🙁

  31. Fun card, Amy, love the chalk board piece! Sorry to hear that your mom fell…glad she will be okay…that is why I don't climb ladders anymore. Wishing you good luck with everything this year, I am also glad you are making more family time, you are a special person and I always enjoy your posts.

  32. ack! glad your mom is doing ok, that is a SCARY thing to do at any age!!! thank heavens for awesome rockstar neighbors!!! (ps: i love the card too, i just got distracted, so unlike me, lol!) (ps: what a fab photo!!!!!!!) ♥♥♥

  33. Sorry to hear about your mom's fall, Amy. I'm so glad she's okay. Your thank you note is beautiful, and I think it's wonderful that you are going to spend more time with family. You are such a sweetheart and a super talented crafter! Big hugs to you!

  34. Glad to read that your mom is doing well given the circumstances of her fall!! I always enjoy your artwork Amy {including this beautiful card!! Love the great contrast of the bold colors!}, and I completely understand your decision!!! Wish you all the best!!!

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